Car maintenance gives everyone a headache, adds to stress and just doesn't make life easier. Let me help you and make your life a bit better by informing you of these easy ways to save your money on your car and its maintenance.
Search for a reputable, trusting repair shop. Talk to shop owners, consider online reviews and ask people around you that you trust.
Educate yourself on your car and its maintenance. Read owners manual, internet search about your car's specific use.
Use online tutorials :)
Keep up with the routine maintenance of your vehicle. Do your oil changes, don't forget your brake checks, etc.
Check fluid levels and perform safety checks when you do your oil changes.
Buy your own parts and just pay for the labor.
Don't ignore your car's warning lights!
Invest on good tires.
Keep your tires inflated.
You should change your car's air filter every 3 months. It helps you save on fuel consumption.
Rather than waiting until you have to take your car to your mechanic or shop, keep up with it' maintenance and needs and you'll be doing yourself a favor :))